Gary Keating
Here we are approaching the Autumn Equinox and the end of summer, September 22 this year. It has been a busy summer this year. All of us at Concerned Christians are volunteer-ministry folks. As we work our daily schedule, we also meld the ministry in. For instance, our internet services have very strong protections against hackers. We used to be an open target for outside intruders. Now we have protection provided by one of our board members. The Concerned Christian site has been secured from former hackers of all kinds.
Two more of our board members take care of our electronic communications, records, and finances. Having qualified backup help would be exciting.
Sandra (Sandie) and I take care of personal and public ministry, including public meetings, teaching, counseling, and materials distribution. Having qualified backup would be appreciated. After all we are beginning to age out.
If you have a special skill which is needed in our ministry, come join us as we serve. It is a privilege to serve in God’s ministry.
Are you a former Mormon wishing to share your story?
Do you wish to serve in our electronics and communications?
Are you qualified to teach in personal and/or public ministry?
If you are interested, come join us. Contact us by phone or email. Come to our prayer meetings on Monday evening. The prayer support is appreciated, and the fellowship time lets us get to know each other. (We meet at 6:30. Call for directions in Gilbert, AZ)
In our personal life much has happened this summer. Sandie and I have just celebrated our 58th wedding anniversary. I just celebrated my 80th birthday last week. We are purchasing new property for our business. My son is moving back to join the business, maybe even the ministry. The next five months will be busy as we build a new building for the business and a new residence for the two of us, including space for Concerned Christian inventory.
In the meantime, life and ministry go on. WE HAVE BIG NEWS. A family in the east Phoenix valley has left Mormonism this month to be Christians only, saved by God’s grace. Jesus is not just an addendum in their faith anymore. JESUS IS NOW THE CENTER OF THEIR FAITH. Congratulations to this family who wish currently to remain anonymous.
Also, Judy Robertson has taken a 32-month respite from active Concerned Christians ministry, but she is back wanting to be more involved. If you would wish to schedule us in your church or group to see Judy in person, we will make it happen.
That is all for now folks.
Matthew 5:14 tells us that we are the light of the world, and verse 16 says, “let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.” How can we fulfill that purpose? It seems that how we live our lives and how we treat others are definitely first steps to evangelism. Some people call that “life-style” evangelism, and they don’t look at it as very productive. However, without a Jesus-filled life, others probably will not be too interested in hearing what we have to say about God. John 13:35 says, “by this, everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.” We all need to reread 1st Corinthians 13 again and ask ourselves if in our daily life we are portraying the characteristics of love that Paul speaks about. If we are showing that kind of love to everyone we meet, our lights will shine, and we can bring Jesus’s light into the dark world.
Matthew 5:14 tells us that we are the light of the world, and verse 16 says, “let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.” How can we fulfill that purpose? It seems that how we live our lives and how we treat others are definitely first steps to evangelism. Some people call that “life-style” evangelism, and they don’t look at it as very productive. However, without a Jesus-filled life, others probably will not be too interested in hearing what we have to say about God. John 13:35 says, “by this, everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.” We all need to reread 1st Corinthians 13 again and ask ourselves if in our daily life we are portraying the characteristics of love that Paul speaks about. If we are showing that kind of love to everyone we meet, our lights will shine, and we can bring Jesus’s light into the dark world.

In Numbers 13:30 after Moses sent 12 ambassadors out into the land with instructions to gather info, and some produce, once back at home base, Caleb speaks up and says to the other 11, as well as 3 million fellow Israelites, “And Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “we should go up and TAKE possession of the land, FOR WE CAN CERTAINLY DO IT.
Jesus does not give a great suggestion, oh no – he gives all Christians a great Commission. He empowers us, changes us, encourages us, gives many creative ideas to us, puts others who are very helpful in our lives, and basically ensures, WE C A N CERTAINLY DO IT.
If you at present are not routinely sharing the Gospel, get started. Don’t let yourself be intimidated by anything you see, hear, think, assume, falsely imagine. Take these words of Caleb, and move out into doing God’s will, making a significant difference in the lives of others.
Love them enough to tell them the truth
John Dehlin has Simon Southerton as a guest on his podcast. Simon is a geneticist and former Mormon. Geneticist Simon Southerton was serving as an Australian Mormon bishop when he discovered through DNA research that Native Americans were not descendants of Israelites (as the Book of Mormon teaches), but instead were descendants of Asians via the Bering Strait. This research caused Simon to lose his faith in Mormonism. He is the author of a book on the subject called “Losing a Lost Tribe.”
Recently Simon has been studying the declining growth in the worldwide LDS or Mormon church. Simon will join us on Mormon Stories Podcast to discuss his research into Mormon church decline.
God delights, it seems, in using imperfect people. He took me, a rigid piece of clay, warmed me in His hands of love and molded me until I yielded to His design for my life. It is my prayer, as you read accounts of perils at sea and force five hurricanes, that you will be changed, as I was, encountering our mighty God in a new way. He meets our every need even as we struggle to climb out of the potholes on the road to paradise.Judy RobertsonTo Order Go to: |

Micah and the ADAM’S ROAD BAND are now on a cross country tour. We urge you when they are in your area that you go and meet the band. Check their web site for the schedule. Until then, get this book- you will not be able to put it down!http://[email protected] |

“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.”
I Thessalonians 1:2
If you are changing your email address in the future, please do not forget to make those changes in the preferences link at the bottom of the page. Please do not mail anything to our old street address. If you ever have questions please call Concerned Christians at 480-833-2537 or email at [email protected]
Concerned Christians has effective and seasoned speakers for any sized gathering 2-500. Great education for Youth Groups, Bible Study Class, Small Groups, Senior Adult Gatherings, Pastors meetings. Call to schedule.

If you are lead to make a donation here is the link
If you prefer to pen a check please mail it to:
PO BOX 18, Mesa, AZ 85211
Concerned Christians is a Non-Profit 501 (C) (3) organization and donations are tax deductible. We thank you for your support.
Concerned Christians Of Arizona
PO Box 18 Mesa Arizona 85211
United States