July 2024

Last month I shared about ‘Building Walls or Building Bridges’. The Mormon leaders appear to be taking down walls as they attempt to identify and appear as “Orthodox Christians”. In other words, they are hoping the world receives them as normal Christians. However, the Mormon theological doctrine HAS NOT CHANGED. They are using words today that sound very Christian, such as ‘being saved by faith’, and ‘my personal relationship with Jesus’. We will discuss this more in future newsletters.
Every month at Concerned Christians we are asked, “How do I witness to my Mormon friend or neighbor?” This is an important question if you are concerned about your Mormon friend.
We are receiving many requests from our newsletter followers and others who have heard about our materials. The most requested materials are now our pocket size booklet NO COMPARISON and our pocket size pamphlet BASIC TEACHINGS OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS.
Both publications deal with the nitty-gritty fundamental teachings of LDS theology compared to Biblical Scripture. Our ministry friends are using these two materials for “planting seeds”. They are easy to use as a gift to a Mormon, suggesting they think about the differences. You do not need to be a theologian to do this. You do not need to totally understand Mormon theology. Asking the friend to ‘see what you think’ does not bring about debate. But you may plant a seed. Remember, sharing your faith always begins with a friendly relationship. Nurture your friendship!
We have a good supply of both. We will send these to you at no cost. Let God direct you as you pass them out. Email your requests to:
[email protected]. Or call me at 480.209.8279.
I mentioned we will send these at no cost. A donation to the ministry is always appreciated. We will include an envelope for your convenience.
Gary Keating
Our hope at this ministry is to love and support all who have ties to the LDS church. Many of our loved ones attend the LDS church, are raising children in that faith, or we ourselves grew up in the LDS religion and culture. We may have questions about the ever-changing policies and doctrine of the church. We might have friends and neighbors who are LDS and have questions about the information and changes that have recently occurred in the LDS church.
We are rekindling a group that we held regularly in the early 2000s but with renewed focus and leadership. The LDS Care Group is a safe space for both former and current LDS Church members to share, encourage, wrestle, and grow in their Christian faith journeys with others who have similar life experiences, challenges, and culture. Currently, we meet near Dobson & Ray in Chandler. Please email Kristine Nelson at [email protected] if interested. Or call: 480-833-2537
Why doesn’t Mormonism agree with the Book of Mormon?
Moroni is the last book in the book of Mormon, so why would a Christian dwell on a verse from a book they don’t think is Scripture? Because of what that verse teaches. Moroni 8:18 says,
“For I know that God is not a partial God, neither a changeable being; but he is unchangeable from all eternity to all eternity.”
Now, take a look at what Joseph Smith taught in his King Follett Sermon:
“We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea and take away the veil, so that you may see.
He goes on to say,
“…he was once a man like us”
Joseph Smith taught a doctrine that disagrees with Moroni 8 and a whole host of other LDS Scriptures:
“the Lord Omnipotent who reigneth, who was, and is from all eternity to all eternity…” (Mosiah 3:5)
“From eternity to eternity he is the same, and his years never fail…” (D&C 76:4)
“…there is a God in heaven, who is infinite and eternal, from everlasting to everlasting the same unchangeable God…” (D&C 20:17)
These teach essentially what the Bible teaches, that God does not change, that he’s NEVER changed, and that he’s NOT a man. Consider what the Bible says:
“For I, the Lord, do NOT change” (Malachi 3:6)
God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind (Numbers 23:19)
“Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (Psalm 90:2).
Many Latter-day Saints tend to agree with Joseph Smith—that God was once a man like us, and that he’s progressed to be the way he is…But why don’t Latter-day Saints agree with their own Scriptures?
Christians agree with Moroni 8:18 more than Latter-day Saints do, because that verse paraphrases Biblical truths: God has never changed.
“Holy holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who WAS and who IS, and who IS to come.” (Revelation 4:8)
The Bible teaches that having eternal life means that we know God…and so understanding who God is remains a crucial issue. Here’s the question: who has GOD revealed Himself to be?
In the end, Christians agree with Moroni 8:18, and we want you to agree with it too.
Full Credit to: GLM (God Loves Mormons)
To watch the You Tube Video:
http://Shocking Differences: Christian Communion vs. LDS Sacrament

I hope you are having a relaxing summer, less the hurricanes, tornadoes and forest fires. And, we won’t even mention the abominable heat in most places. My solution for you is to delve into God’s Word. Find a cool spot, curl up and read! Blessings,Paulette |

If you are changing your email address in the future, please do not forget to make those changes in the preferences link at the bottom of the page. If you ever have questions please call Concerned Christians at 480-833-2537 or email us at

We at Concerned Christians meet every MONDAY evening for an hour of prayer at 6:30 p.m. If you are not local, please set that time aside to voice your concerns from your prayer space. If you are local and would like to attend, we ask you to call 480-833-2537 for directions. We truly look forward to meeting and praying with you in the War Room. We ask that you add Concerned Christians to your prayer list along with any other Mormon witnessing group you are familiar. The importance of intercessory prayer cannot be stressed enough. We have seen God grant many blessings to us over the years. If you have a ministry related request please send us a short email. [email protected]
“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.”
I Thessalonians 1:2
We pray for opportunities to speak with Christians because we firmly believe “It is easier to keep them out than to get them out.”
If you would be interested in sharing your testimony of being delivered from the LDS Corporation into the family of the triune God, please send it to [email protected] Please include contact information.

If you are led to make a donation please go to our web site at
If you prefer to pen a check please mail it to:
PO BOX 18, Mesa, AZ 85211
Concerned Christians is a Non-Profit 501 (C) (3) organization and donations are tax deductible. We thank you for your support.