June 2022

Introducing our Guest Writer for June 2023
Our guest writer for June needs no introduction for most of our readers. Judy Robertson is a co-founder of Concerned Christians along with her husband, Jim. Over 44 years ago the Robertsons left the Mormon Church after searching for truth about God and Jesus. After leaving the Mormon Church, their ministry not only impacted Arizona, it also took them throughout the United States and to the Samoan Islands.
While serving as Concerned Christians primary author, Judy organized and wrote many teaching materials. Some of these publications are used in today’s ministry at Concerned Christians. Here is a list of materials currently in use.
1. Witness to Mormons (major teaching workbook)
2. No Comparison (pocket booklet comparing LDS and Christian theological differences)
3. Basic Teaching pamphlet (LDS thought vs. Bible statements)
4. Out of Mormonism (This book points out the pitfalls leading to Mormon conversion)
5. Freedom for the Latter-day Saint Soul (This is a detailed discussion of ‘Mormon-Think’)
This month Judy will humbly share her personal experiences of life in and out of Mormonism.
Gary Keating
General Manager

From a very personal story, Out of Mormonism, describing how my late husband, Jim, and I became Mormon, to the way God led us out, writing has been an extremely rewarding part of my life.
My latest book, written in 2020, Freedom for the Latter-day Saint Soul, describes my interviews with those who have questioned their religion and how their lives were affected by it and how they found their way out.
As in any other pursuit in life, my joy in Concerned Christians has expanded my life in so many ways. Today, as a retired person, my life involves interacting with others my own age in navigating this last quarter of our lives. I live at The Park at Copper Creek in Chandler, AZ, an independent living community. And I will have to say, it is a fascinating journey. We all have a story. And I have enjoyed telling mine just as much as others love telling theirs. And in so doing, my book, Out of Mormonism, has traveled throughout this community, to my surprise. Even the Executive Director wanted to know, “What is this book I hear you’ve written?” She was curious because so many were reading it and it got around to her and she wanted to check it out. I gave her a copy, she read it quickly and gave me a thumbs up. She approved it for our community, to my relief. I am on mission, here. And I praise God for the opportunities that keep coming my way.
You that are reading this newsletter also have a story. Tell it to your friends and those you interact with on a regular basis. God uses our stories. He uses our lives more powerfully than we can imagine. Each life is God’s creative effort to bring others to Himself.
The way we live tells a story, sometimes whether we know it or not. I am grateful God has used my life in ways I will never know. As I grow older, I am made aware of His work in my life and in yours. If we are His, He uses us in ways we may never know until we cross over into eternal life.
Thinking of this, I am reading a book that is touching my heart profoundly. The name of the book is: Jesus the King/Understanding the Life and Death of The Son of God, by Timothy Keller. The back cover relates so accurately: “Jesus the King is Keller’s revelatory look at the life of Christ as told in the Gospel of Mark. In it, Keller shows how the story of Jesus is at once cosmic, historical, and personal, calling each of us to look anew at our relationship with God. It is an unforgettable look at Jesus Christ, and one that will leave an indelible imprint on every reader.” I can attest to this as it is touching my life profoundly. It is rare to read a book packed with so much meat.
Well, enough rambling for now. I may continue this one-sided conversation in next month’s Cross Newsletter. Comments are welcome. I am sure you have thought of comments as you read. You really cannot offend me. I know who I am in the Lord Jesus, and that means all to me.
Until next month. May God bless you in all your endeavors to live the life He called you to live.

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“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.”
I Thessalonians 1:2
We pray for opportunities to speak with Christians because we firmly believe “It is easier to keep them out than to get them out.”
If you would be interested in sharing your testimony of being delivered from the LDS Corporation into the family of the triune God, please send it to [email protected]. Please include contact information.

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PO BOX 18, Mesa, AZ 85211
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Concerned Christians Of Arizona
PO Box 18
Mesa Arizona 85233
United States